Jul 29, 2014

More Safe Ecigarettes That is Sweden Looking for!

According to local newspaper reported that a Swedish court ruled ecigarettes should be treated as pharmaceutical products, thus need to approve by the Swedish Medical Products Authority.

The ruling means that these electronic cigarette products sold in grocery stores and convenience stores are illegal behavior.


Swedish Medical Products Regulatory Agency Martin Berman said: "We will continue to monitor, but once the court made ​​a final ruling ,will be issued more sales ban on ecigarettes."

Last October, the Swedish Medical Products Regulatory Agency issued a sales ban to one of the largest retailers in their market.

Swedish Medical Products Regulatory Agency does not seem opposed to the concept of ecigarette. Apparently, it wants to make more secure and new products into the market.

Berman said: “These products we had banned have not been shown to be safe and has not been proven to be effective in the market."

"We believe that the ecigarette is a good way to stop smoking, but we need to develop products approve by the Swedish Medical Products Authority.”

We hope the Swedish market can go on. Products are very safe in the market now. We do not want Swedish Medical Products Authority make a excuses to prohibit the development of electronic cigarette. Of course, if they make reasonable regulations to protect the interests of consumers of ecigarettes, we are very welcome. Vape On!